CPA Blog (Nerd Talk)Crunching Numbers. Nurturing Finances. Tax Talk.

What Is a 1099-C? Most Important Questions Answered

When navigating the vast landscape of tax forms, you might come across Form 1099-C and wonder about its significance. Fear not, you are not alone in this bewildering tax labyrinth. We understand that tax forms and regulations can be as perplexing as navigating a maze. CPA Nerds shall unravel the enigma of the elusive 1099-C …

IRS Unannounced Visits Ending: What You Need To Know

Unannounced Visits Will End The Internal Revenue Service has declared that effective immediately, random visits to taxpayers by their revenue officers will cease, barring some exceptional situations. Instead of these surprise visits, revenue officers will establish contact with taxpayers via an appointment letter (725-B) and arrange for a subsequent meeting. This change has been prompted …

Student Loan Payments Resume

Did the student loan forgiveness go through? Nope. On June 30th, 2023 the Supreme Court invalidated President Biden’s plan to cancel student loan debt. The ruling determined that the administration lacks the authority to eliminate student loan debt under the HEROES Act. UPDATE: on Friday July 14th, 2023 The Department of Education under President Biden …

How do I issue a Form 1099-NEC without an EIN or SSN?

vendor or subcontractor refused to fill out a W-9 form? In the event that a vendor or subcontractor refuses to complete a W-9 form, there are certain steps you can take to handle the situation appropriately: Ensure that you have made a written request for the vendor to fill out a W-9 form. It is …

Beware These “Dirty Dozen” IRS Tax Scams

Tax season is when scammers try to take advantage of people by tricking them into giving up critical personal and financial information, usually through emails and text messages. To help combat this problem, the IRS released a list of the “Dirty Dozen” scams to watch out for, with email and text message scams listed among …

Murphy’s Tips And Tricks To Lower Your Tax Bill

Hello everyone, Murphy here! Unfortunately, inflation and interest rates have been rising this year. This means it has become vital to find ways to save money. With tax season just around the corner, your upcoming tax bill is an excellent place to start. So, let me walk you through some tips and tricks for maximum …

Upcoming Tax Dates For Your Knowledge

Here are a number of important tax dates you should be aware of. Read more to see if your tax situation falls into one of these dates. February 21, 2023 Michigan Personal Property Tax Returns Due for 2023. February 28, 2023 Michigan 2022 Form 5081 Sales, Use and Withholding Taxes Annual Return Due Date. March …

Tax Deadline Extensions and How to Get Them

If you are not been able to put together all of your annual filings by Tax Day (April 18, 2022), or you can’t pay the money that the IRS is demanding, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans and small businesses miss Tax Day every year, filing taxes late, and millions more struggle with high tax …

Tax Deduction for Cryptocurrency

Crypto Loss is Disallowed? Well, this is interesting. A taxpayer whose cryptocurrency had substantially declined in value didn’t sustain a deductible loss due to the worthlessness or abandonment of the cryptocurrency. The taxpayer purchased units of cryptocurrency in 2022 for $1 per unit as a personal investment. During 2022, the value of the purchased cryptocurrency …

Mobile Gambling Taxes

Taxes on App Betting in Michigan You picked the Astros to win and made some $. Your lifelong hope for Lions to win has not fared you too well in the “win” column (gluten for punishment, most Michiganders are!) With the upcoming World Cup to finish the year, you could look at a whole new …