Tax Tips

Category: Tax Tips

A Guide to the Michigan State Income Tax

Michigan State Income Tax Guide Michigan’s tax system ranks 12th overall, according to the 2023 State Business Tax Climate Index. If you live, work, do business, or earn income in the Great Lakes state, it can be confusing to understand how the income tax system works since some cities levy additional income taxes with varying …

How do I issue a Form 1099-NEC without an EIN or SSN?

vendor or subcontractor refused to fill out a W-9 form? In the event that a vendor or subcontractor refuses to complete a W-9 form, there are certain steps you can take to handle the situation appropriately: Ensure that you have made a written request for the vendor to fill out a W-9 form. It is …

Beware These “Dirty Dozen” IRS Tax Scams

Tax season is when scammers try to take advantage of people by tricking them into giving up critical personal and financial information, usually through emails and text messages. To help combat this problem, the IRS released a list of the “Dirty Dozen” scams to watch out for, with email and text message scams listed among …

Upcoming Tax Dates For Your Knowledge

Here are a number of important tax dates you should be aware of. Read more to see if your tax situation falls into one of these dates. February 21, 2023 Michigan Personal Property Tax Returns Due for 2023. February 28, 2023 Michigan 2022 Form 5081 Sales, Use and Withholding Taxes Annual Return Due Date. March …

Tax Deduction for Cryptocurrency

Crypto Loss is Disallowed? Well, this is interesting. A taxpayer whose cryptocurrency had substantially declined in value didn’t sustain a deductible loss due to the worthlessness or abandonment of the cryptocurrency. The taxpayer purchased units of cryptocurrency in 2022 for $1 per unit as a personal investment. During 2022, the value of the purchased cryptocurrency …

Mobile Gambling Taxes

Taxes on App Betting in Michigan You picked the Astros to win and made some $. Your lifelong hope for Lions to win has not fared you too well in the “win” column (gluten for punishment, most Michiganders are!) With the upcoming World Cup to finish the year, you could look at a whole new …

2022 Venmo Tax

What’s the $600 limit on Venmo for taxes? The IRS has announced third-party settlement organizations will not be required to report the tax year 2022 transactions on a Form 1099-K to the IRS or the payee for the lower, $600 threshold amount enacted as part of the American Rescue Plan of 2021. Instead, the reporting …

Delayed 2021 Tax Refunds

At the beginning of each year, millions of Americans spur into action to file their taxes – many fueled by fear of owing the IRS money or, more likely, motivated by receiving a tax refund.  As hard as it is to believe, at least 10% of Americans are still waiting for their 2021 tax refunds …

Stop Overpaying—Minimize Your Tax Bill

Am I Overpaying My Taxes? Are you one of the millions of business owners who overpay their taxes? If so, you’re not alone. According to Forbes magazine, 93% of business owners overpay in taxes every year. With the help of a dedicated CPA, we can help you minimize your tax bill! How To Avoid Overpaying …

Do You Qualify for the American Opportunity Tax Credit?

As you likely are aware, the United States Federal Government gives out many tax credits that are designed to incentivize certain types of behavior. One example is helping people attend college or another four-year institution. For individuals like this, the American Opportunity Tax Credit may be an ideal way to save money on your taxes …